Colorado Springs, CO – January 16, 2024 The Space Information Sharing and Analysis Center (Space ISAC) and the National Cybersecurity Center (NCC) are pleased to announce the next stage in their relationship as important members of our country’s ecosystem for the protection of space systems.
Since the Space ISAC’s founding in 2019, the NCC has furnished the Space ISAC with important capabilities vital to Space ISAC operations, providing the Space ISAC the opportunity to establish its Watch Center and many Working Groups (Information Sharing, Supply Chain Risk Management, etc.), Communities of Interest (SmallSat, Blockchain, etc., Task Forces (Exercise, Space Threat Resource and Intelligence, etc.) and Affinity Groups (Cislunar, Commercial Remote Sensing, etc.). In doing so, the NCC has helped enable the Space ISAC to assume a singular role in the continuing effort to secure our country’s space resources. These efforts have allowed the Space ISAC to achieve the organizational and resource maturity necessary to sustain these operations and activities on its own. Given this partnership, Space ISAC and the NCC are pleased to announce the next stage in the development of their relationship. The NCC is joining the Space ISAC as a member, bringing to the Space ISAC its expertise and resources in the study of cybersecurity threats, the training of cybersecurity professionals, and the development of innovative cybersecurity solutions. In joining the Space ISAC, the NCC will collaborate with Space ISAC industry and academic members throughout the space systems sector, and the ISAC’s many US and allied government partners.
Greg Oslan, acting NCC CEO notes: Our partnership with the Space ISAC has been extraordinarily productive for both the NCC and the overall ecosystem. We have both grown as partners into fully independent organizations that can both support one another, while also charting our futures. As the NCC broadens its reach in providing cyber education, leadership and workforce development and ecosystem collaboration in support of securing our country, we are thrilled to become a member of the Space ISAC and look forward to many more successes as partners.
Samuel Visner, Board Chair of the Space ISAC adds: “We are delighted to expand the Space ISAC membership with the addition of the National Cybersecurity Center. The NCC has built a reputation as a trusted partner in the protection of our country’s national security, critical, and business infrastructures. NCC’s Board and staff represent a sustained commitment to our nation’s security, and we are confident that NCC’s contribution will help amplify the Space ISAC’s impact.”
About the NCC: The National Cybersecurity Center (NCC) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit for cybersecurity education, collaboration and leadership development grounded in a shared mission to advance pragmatic, forward-thinking security policies and programs. Serving public and private organizations, the NCC, in collaboration with The University of Colorado Springs (UCCS) and the Colorado cybersecurity and SpaceCyber ecosystems ) delivers an integrated and fully interdisciplinary cyber center that is actively transforming the nation’s ability to deter cyber threats.
About the Space ISAC: The Space ISAC serves to facilitate collaboration across the global space industry to enhance our ability to prepare for and respond to vulnerabilities, incidents, and threats; to disseminate timely and actionable information among member entities; and to serve as the primary communications channel for the sector with respect to this information. Space ISAC is the only all-threats security information source for the public and private space sector. It will be the most comprehensive, single point source for data, facts and analysis on space security and threats to space assets. Space ISAC will also provide analysis and resources to support response, mitigation, and resilience initiatives.
For more information, contact:
NCC: Scott Sage, Chief Operations Officer, email:
Space ISAC: Frank Backes, President, phone: 720-806-6081